blog May 01, 2019
There’s more talk than ever about empowerment, living your truth and all that jazz that goes along with it.

There’s millions of modalities available and people who’ve found ‘The Way’.

I do believe that there is a genuine desire by people to awaken.  But we also want to do it being comfortable.

We expect to have that freedom without taking responsibility for ourselves.  We want to rise up from a surface level without doing the digging through our own dirt.

Think about something in your life that’s not working or stuck.  It’s easy to complain or make out like we’re a victim of circumstance or even take the opposite stance and have a push through, make it happen mentality.  But what we resist is pausing and seeing the ways that we ourselves are perpetuating the experience we’re having.

The actions you take, the projections you make, the engagement of the drama.

The truth is, if there’s an ongoing dynamic in your life that’s holding you back there’s a way in which you’re feeding it and in some way you’re trying to get energy from it even though it’s hurting you.

We humans are complex and have a deep unconscious wound that the power isn’t in us, that it is in something or someone else.  That is what we’d rather avoid seeing, we want to avoid the pain of our own perceived incompleteness.

So as much as we don’t like what’s happening, we still unconsciously believe it’s giving us more energy than what we’d have if we let it go.

So you can learn as much as you like, raise your vibration, be spiritually correct but until you can own what you do and cut that shit out you’re not going anywhere.

Talk about empowerment, let’s start with getting honest with ourselves first, get uncomfortable. 
Be open to what you do.

Life isn’t personal, it’s structural.

When you shift so will everything else.  Let that shit go, the power is in you, there’s a whole world you can’t even imagine waiting to open up when we combine taking responsibility with getting our energy from a higher source.

As Rumi says, what you seek is also seeking you.

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